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Literary structure (chiasm, chiasmus) of Book of Obadiah

Chiastic Structure and Concentric Structure and Parallel of each pericope

[1]Messenger of the LORD  (Obad 1:1-21)
  A(1:1)  Up! let us go to war against him! (1:1)
    B(1:2-9)    all on Mount Esau are destroyed (1:9)
      C(1:10-11)      For the slaughter and violence done to your brother Jacob, shame shall cover you (1:10)
        D(1:12-14)        The day of the calamity
      C'(1:15-16)      As you have done, it shall be done to you (1:15)
    B'(1:17-18)    none shall survive of the house of Esau (1:18)
  A'(1:19-21)  And saviors shall ascend Mount Zion to rule the mount of Esau (1:21)
   A: War against Edom. B: Esau are destroyed. C: What goes around comes around. D: The day of the calamity

Obad 1:10-14
  A(1:10)  Being cut off
    B(1:11a)    Standing
      C(1:11b)      Plundering
        D(1:12a)        Do not gloat over
          E(1:12b)          Do not rejoice in Judah's destruction.
            F(1:12c)            Do not boast
          E'(1:13a)          Do not enter gate in disaster.
        D'(1:13b)        Do not gloat over
      C'(1:13c)      Do not plunder
    B'(1:14a)    Do not stand
  A'(1:14b)  Do not cut down
   A: Destruction. B: Standing. C: Plundering. D: Do not gloat over. E: Ruin of Judah. F: Do not boast.

This structure was analyzed by Timothy Varner. Thank you very much.

Obad 1:12-14
  A(1:12a)  Don't gloat over
    B(1:12b)    Joy
      C(1:12c)      Arrogance
        D(1:13a)        Invasion to Jerusalem
  A'(1:13b)  Don't gloat over
    B'(1:13c)    Stealing
      C'(1:14a)      Killing
        D'(1:14b)        Exile from Jerusalem
   A: Don't gloat over. B: Theft for pleasure. C: Murder for pride. D: Captivity.

Citations of the Bible are from New American Bible, New Revised Standard Version and New Jerusalem Bible.

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Literary Structure of the Bible by Hajime Murai is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Caution: The copyright of the cited Bible verses belongs to each translator and publisher.
