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Literary structure (chiasm, chiasmus) of Book of Zephaniah

Chiastic Structure and Concentric Structure and Parallel of each pericope

[1]The coming judgment on Judah  (Zeph 1:1-18)
P(1:1)The word of the LORD which came to Zephaniah (1:1)
  A(1:2-6)  I will completely sweep away all things from the face of the earth (1:2)
near is the day of the LORD (1:7)   
On that day (1:10)   
at that time (1:12)   
Near is the great day of the LORD (1:14)   
  A'(1:17-18)  he shall make an end, yes, a sudden end, of all who live on the earth (1:18)
   A: Destruction of the earth. B: Near is the day of the LORD. C: On that day.

[2]The great day of the LORD  (Zeph 2:1-4)
  A(2:1-2)  Gather, gather yourselves together (2:1)
  A'(2:3-4)  Seek the LORD (2:3)
   A: Exhortation.

[3]Judgment on Israel's enemies  (Zeph 2:5-15)
  A(2:5)  leave you to perish without an inhabitant (2:5)
    B(2:6-7)    Sheep
      C(2:8-10)      they reviled my people and made boasts against their territory (2:8)
  A'(2:11-13)  to destroy Assyria; He will make Nineveh a waste, dry as the desert. (2:13)
    B'(2:14)    Wild animals
      C'(2:15)      There is no other than I (2:15)
   A: Destruction. B: Animals. C: Arrogance.

[4]Punishment and conversion of the nations  (Zeph 3:1-13)
"The LORD within her is just, who does no wrong (3:5)"   
    B(3:6)    I have destroyed nations (3:6)
      C(3:7-8)      Therefore, wait for me, says the LORD (3:8)
    B'(3:9-10)    For then I will change and purify the lips of the peoples (3:9)
They shall do no wrong and speak no lies (3:13)   
   A: Doing no wrong. B: Nations. C: Wait for me.

[5]A song of joy  (Zeph 3:14-20)
  A(3:14-17)  The LORD has removed the judgment against you, he has turned away your enemies (3:15)
    B(3:18)    so that none may recount your disgrace (3:18)
  A'(3:19-20)  I will deal with all who oppress you (3:19)
   A: Destruction of enemies. B: Shame.

Citations of the Bible are from New American Bible, New Revised Standard Version and New Jerusalem Bible.

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Literary Structure of the Bible by Hajime Murai is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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