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Literary structure (chiasm, chiasmus) of Epistle to the Hebrews

Correspondence table of Pericopes and Literary Structure

1 God has spoken by his son (1:1-14) 1-1 4-1
2 Warning to pay attention (2:1-18) 1-1 4-1
3 Moses a servant, Christ a son (3:1-6) 1-1 4-1
4 Warning against unbelief (3:7-19) 1-1 4-1
5 The rest that God promised (4:1-13) 1-1 4-1 4-2
6 Jusus the great high priest (4:14-5:10) 1-1 4-2
7 Warning against falling away (5:11-6:12) 1-1 4-2
8 The certainty of God's promise (6:13-7:10) 1-1 4-2
9 The priestly order of Melchizedek (7:11-28) 1-1 4-2 4-3
10 Mediator of a better covenant (8:1-13) 1-1 4-3
11 The earthly and the heavenly sanctuaries (9:1-22) 1-1 4-3
12 Christ's sacrifice takes away sin (9:23-28) 1-1 4-3
13 Christ's sacrifice once for all (10:1-18) 1-1 4-3 4-4
14 A call to persevere (10:19-39) 1-1 4-4
15 Faith (11:1-40) 1-1 4-4
16 Warning against rejecting God's grace (12:1-29) 1-1 4-4
17 Service well-pleasing to God (13:1-25) 1-1 4-4

Citations of the Bible are from New American Bible, New Revised Standard Version and New Jerusalem Bible.

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Literary Structure of the Bible by Hajime Murai is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Caution: The copyright of the cited Bible verses belongs to each translator and publisher.
