[1]The consuming wrath of God (Nah 1:1-8) |
P(1:1) | Oracle about Nineveh (1:1) |
| A(1:2-3) | | A jealous and avenging God is the LORD (1:2) |
| | B(1:4-5) | | | He rebukes the sea and leaves it dry, and all the rivers he dries up (1:4) |
| A'(1:6-8) | | Before his wrath, who can stand firm, and who can face his blazing anger?(1:6) |
A: Wrath of the LORD. B: Natural disasters. |
[2]Evil plot (Nah 1:9-11) |
| A(1:9a) | | What are you imputing to the LORD? (1:9) | (תחשׁבון) |
| | B(1:9b-10) | | | It is he who will make an end (1:9) |
| A'(1:11) | | He came who devised evil against the LORD (1:11) | (חשׁב) |
A: To devise evil. B: The LORD destroyed. |
A: The words of the LORD. |
[4]Good news for Judah (Nah 2:1-3) |
| A(2:1) | | Good news (2:1) |
| | B(2:2) | | | The hammer comes up against you (2:2) |
| A'(2:3) | | The LORD will restore the vine of Jacob (2:3) |
A: Good news. B: Attack of enemies. |
[5]The destruction of the wicked city (Nah 2:4-11) |
| A(2:4-6) | | Fiery steel are the chariots on the day of his mustering. The horses are frenzied (2:4) |
| | B(2:7-8) | | | Its mistress is led forth captive (2:8) |
| | B'(2:9-10) | | | Plunder the silver, plunder the gold! (2:10) |
| A'(2:11) | | Emptiness, desolation, waste (2:11) |
A: Destruction. B: Robbery. |
[6]Ruin imminent and inevitable (Nah 2:12-3:6) |
| A(2:12-13) | | The lion snatched enough for his cubs (2:13) |
| | B(2:14) | | | I come against you (2:14) | (הנניאליךנאםיהוה) |
| A'(3:1-4) | | the many slain, the heaping corpses, the endless bodies to stumble upon! (3:3) |
| | B'(3:5-6) | | | I am come against you (3:5) | (הנניאליךנאםיהוה) |
A: Corpus. B: I come against you. |
[7]Judgment on Nineveh (Nah 3:7-19) |
| A(3:7) | | Where can one find any to console her? (3:7) |
| | B(3:8-11) | | | For her nobles they cast lots, and all her great men were put into chains. (3:10) |
| | | C(3:12-13) | | | | All your fortresses are but fig trees (3:12) |
| | | | D(3:14) | | | | | Draw water for the siege (3:14) |
| | | C'(3:15-17) | | | | your garrisons as many as grasshoppers (3:17) |
| | B'(3:18) | | | Alas! how your shepherds slumber, O king of Assyria, your nobles have gone to rest (3:18) |
| A'(3:19) | | There is no healing for your hurt (3:19) |
A: Nobody. B: Incompetence. C: Metaphors. D: To protect. |