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Literary structure (chiasmus, chiasm) of Book of Zephaniah

Chiasmus and Concentric Structure of whole text


1 The coming judgment on Judah (1:1-18)
  2 The great day of the LORD (2:1-4)
    3 Judgment on Israel's enemies (2:5-15)
  4 Punishment and conversion of the nations (3:1-13)
5 A song of joy (3:14-20)
Former halfRelationLatter half
1 The coming judgment on Judah (1:1-18)
I will destroy mankind from the face of the earth (1:3)
Ruined by the LORD5 A song of joy (3:14-20)
Yes, at that time I will deal with all who oppress you; I will save the lame, and assemble the outcasts; (3:19)
2 The great day of the LORD (2:1-4)
Before there comes upon you the day of the LORD'S anger (2:2)
The day of LORD's wrath4 Punishment and conversion of the nations (3:1-13)
against the day when I arise as accuser; For it is my decision to gather together the nations, to assemble the kingdoms, In order to pour out upon them my wrath, all my blazing anger; (3:8)


1 The coming judgment on Judah (1:1-18)
  2 The great day of the LORD (2:1-4)
3 Judgment on Israel's enemies (2:5-15)
Former halfRelationLatter half
1 The coming judgment on Judah (1:1-18)
1:2 I will completely sweep away all things from the face of the earth, says the LORD. 1:3 I will sweep away man and beast, I will sweep away the birds of the sky, and the fishes of the sea. I will overthrow the wicked; I will destroy mankind from the face of the earth, (1:2-3)
Destroying every one3 Judgment on Israel's enemies (2:5-15)
I will humble you, land of the Philistines, and leave you to perish without an inhabitant! (2:5)


3 Judgment on Israel's enemies (2:5-15)
  4 Punishment and conversion of the nations (3:1-13)
5 A song of joy (3:14-20)
Former halfRelationLatter half
3 Judgment on Israel's enemies (2:5-15)
For the LORD their God shall visit them, and bring about their restoration. (2:7)
Restoration5 A song of joy (3:14-20)
At that time I will bring you home, and at that time I will gather you; For I will give you renown and praise, among all the peoples of the earth (3:20)

Citations of the Bible are from New American Bible, New Revised Standard Version and New Jerusalem Bible.

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Literary Structure of the Bible by Hajime Murai is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Caution: The copyright of the cited Bible verses belongs to each translator and publisher.

