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Literary structure (chiasmus, chiasm) of Book of Malachi

Chiasmus and Concentric Structure of whole text


1 Corruption of the priesthood (1:1-13)
  2 Exhortation to priests (1:14-2:9)
    3 Do not betray (2:10-16)
  4 The coming messenger (2:17-3:15)
5 The day of the LORD (3:16-24)
Former halfRelationLatter half
1 Corruption of the priesthood (1:1-13)
We have been crushed but we will rebuild the ruins," Thus says the LORD of hosts: They indeed may build, but I will tear down, (1:4)
Destruction by the LORD5 The day of the LORD (3:16-24)
To turn the hearts of the fathers to their children, and the hearts of the children to their fathers, Lest I come and strike the land with doom. (3:24)
1 Corruption of the priesthood (1:1-13)
Oh, that one among you would shut the temple gates to keep you from kindling fire on my altar in vain! (1:10)
Fire5 The day of the LORD (3:16-24)
For lo, the day is coming, blazing like an oven, when all the proud and all evildoers will be stubble, (3:19)
2 Exhortation to priests (1:14-2:9)
You have made void the covenant of Levi, says the LORD of hosts (2:8)
Sin of Levi4 The coming messenger (2:17-3:15)
He will sit refining and purifying (silver), and he will purify the sons of Levi, Refining them like gold or like silver that they may offer due sacrifice to the LORD (3:3)


1 Corruption of the priesthood (1:1-13)
  2 Exhortation to priests (1:14-2:9)
3 Do not betray (2:10-16)
Former halfRelationLatter half
1 Corruption of the priesthood (1:1-13)
Was not Esau Jacob's brother? says the LORD: yet I loved Jacob, but hated Esau; (1:3)
The LORD hates (sn)3 Do not betray (2:10-16)
For I hate divorce, says the LORD, the God of Israel, (2:16)


3 Do not betray (2:10-16)
  4 The coming messenger (2:17-3:15)
5 The day of the LORD (3:16-24)
Former halfRelationLatter half
3 Do not betray (2:10-16)
With whom you have broken faith though she is your companion, your betrothed wife. (2:14)
Covenant5 The day of the LORD (3:16-24)
Lo, I will send you Elijah, the prophet, Before the day of the LORD comes, the great and terrible day, (3:22)

Citations of the Bible are from New American Bible, New Revised Standard Version and New Jerusalem Bible.

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Literary Structure of the Bible by Hajime Murai is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Caution: The copyright of the cited Bible verses belongs to each translator and publisher.

