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Literary structure (chiasmus, chiasm) of First Epistle to Timothy

Chiasmus and Concentric Structure of divided by 3


1 Warning against false teachers (1:1-11)
  2 Gratitude for mercy (1:12-20)
3 Instructions concerning prayer (2:1-15)
Former halfRelationLatter half
1 Warning against false teachers (1:1-11)
the unchaste, practicing homosexuals, kidnappers, liars, perjurers, and whatever else is opposed to sound teaching, (1:10)
False teacher / true teacher3 Instructions concerning prayer (2:1-15)
For this I was appointed preacher and apostle (I am speaking the truth, I am not lying), teacher of the Gentiles in faith and truth. (2:7)


4 Qualifications of bishops and deacons (3:1-13)
  5 False asceticism (3:14-4:5)
6 A good minister of Jesus Christ (4:6-16)
Former halfRelationLatter half
4 Qualifications of bishops and deacons (3:1-13)
see 1-1
see 1-16 A good minister of Jesus Christ (4:6-16)
see 1-1


7 Duties toward believers (5:1-6:2)
  8 False teaching and true riches (6:3-10)
9 The good fight of faith (6:11-21)
Former halfRelationLatter half
7 Duties toward believers (5:1-6:2)
Command this, so that they may be irreproachable. (5:7)
Living without reproach9 The good fight of faith (6:11-21)
to keep the commandment without stain or reproach until the appearance of our Lord Jesus Christ (6:14)

Citations of the Bible are from New American Bible, New Revised Standard Version and New Jerusalem Bible.

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Literary Structure of the Bible by Hajime Murai is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Caution: The copyright of the cited Bible verses belongs to each translator and publisher.
